yuri yu

geek, programmer, web developer, acfuner




面试官会是技术大牛吗?HR会有什么问题?晚上回来要好好整理一下才行,excited 等下午回来的把这个post补上:D 面试经验+1,下次记得吃早饭,要记得吃午饭,否则挺不住的。PS:微软的紫竹科技园附近也没有什么好吃的

Well it's confirmed to be a total failure.Not only programming test failed. the interview failed as well. For what reason?Not well prepared ,not having breakfeast not having lunch ,tired of traffic.NOPE! Only reason is lack of experience of interviewing and confidence. Though finding a new job is not in a hurry , i still need a offer to encourage myself keep developing my programing skills. Note:i thought dual monitor is very popular but not in this company,i been using dual monitor for nearly 4 years ,and that proved to increace development very singnafficently.And the office feels so oppressive maybe it's because of the weather. Questions:algorthm *1 initnalize *1 sort *1 vireity *1 struct *1 OOP *1 SQL *1 oral Questions: mulity thread instrucres parell So that interview in microsoft on tomorrow afternoon will be a more interesting one still hungry ,so no more typing,prepare for tomorrow ,in M$ office .

with confidence!